Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hello everybody!

Today I thought a lot of the previous years in my life. And I realized that I got bullied quite often. That's why I want to write about bullying today. I know there are some of you out there, who don't know how to react and when to tell an adult. Okay so let's start!

So there are some different types of bullying: Two types are: Bullying in school and bullying on the internet.

If someone starts to bully you it's probably not too harsh at the beginning. Don't react with crying in front of them or yelling at them. That is the reaction they want and they'll continue bullying and they might go to the next level! What you can do at the beginning is, ignore them. It sounds easy and is hard. i won't tell you how easy it is to ignore the ones that bully you because I don't want to tell lies. 
IF the bully won't stop or gets aggressive or starts to hit you, you have to talk to someone. It can be your best friend first. But you'll have to talk to a teacher or your parents, uncle, aunt,... . They can help you and they will understand you! Don't think you're all alone because you probably are not. 

The second version I want to write about is cyber-bullying. If you are a cyber-bully-victim then there is no way of ignore it. Tell a person you trust and they can help you. You definitely can't defend yourself alone. Please go and tell someone!

So, I hope it somehow helped and I now thought I could tell you my story. 
Okay, I never was popular in school and I don't even want to be really popular. I think it started when I was at the age of 9. There were some girls I had lessons with, who didn't quite like me. But they didn't know me!! So I always heard them talk about me. There were things like: 'She's so slim, I bet she's got anorexia' Or 'She's really awkward to be around and omg her outfits are really gross.' 
Actually, this never bothered me. My best friend (in this grade) told me that they were just jealous so it was acceptable. Because I had friends and my family and they always stood up for me. 
When I was 10 years old my 'best friend' said she didn't want to be my friend anymore and that they were right about me. In spring she couldn't bear the fact that I have moved on and found new friends. She told everyone lies about me and my new friends let me alone. They believed her and I suddenly was all alone. Nobody even looked at me because my former 'best friend' said she would do the same to them if they even looked at me. It was the time I realized that crying will just make them continue. So it went on like this until summer break. I didn't even want to go to school anymore. I just knew that I was alone all the time. 
Whatever, sometime I told my mum and she helped me. After about a month it actually stopped. I mean, they still lied about me and talked behind my back, but I had so called 'friends'. 
This was actually the worst out of all the times I got bullied, but I don't regret this happening because it made me the person I am today and I got a lot stronger and I learned from that. 

However, I would love to know about the experience you made with bullying. Just tell me in the comments below and if you got any questions or if you need a tip with bullying, write it in the comments below as well. 

Lots of love,
Book Nerd Girl 


  1. It's great to know you want to share your experience to help others, and I loved reading this post! You're so strong. :)

    Ashton xx \\ Beauty, Books and Babble

    1. Oh thank you! This really made my day! And to know someone read that post makes me even happier! Thanks Ashton! :)
      Book Nerd Girl xxx

  2. I was bullied for four years at school and then cyberbullied for the length of the summer:( its just sad that you can tell someone about it but the bully still doesn't stop :( this is an amazing post x
    Emily xx

    1. Oh I'm sorry to hear about that! I hope it got better by now. And yes it is sad, but thank you! If you still get bullied and you want to talk about it, write me on here!
      Book Nerd Girl xxx

    2. Would you mind if i did a blog post like yours on bullying as it is really something I have passion to write about?! I would link your blog to it as well to say that you inspired me to do it! Thank you x
      Emily x

    3. Of course! I'm looking forward to reading it!
      Book Nerd Girl xx
